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The Paper Playground - AlterCulture Studios’ Game Design workshop

Public: $0.00 per pax

The Paper Playground - AlterCulture Studios’ Game Design workshop The Paper Playground - AlterCulture Studios’ Game Design workshop
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Games is becoming one of the activities that everyone has become familiar with as a source of entertainment - but have you ever wanted a taste of what it feels like to make your own game? Do you want to learn more about how you could even use games in your line of work? The Paper Playground is a 3-hour workshop that gives people a sneak peek into the process of designing games. Participants will get an introduction to the basics of game design before getting some hands-on experience in designing their very own game prototype that they get to take home. You will be learning game design concepts through simply pen and paper, so no prior programming knowledge is required - just come as you are!

This session will be conducted by Jedidiah Siah from AlterCulture Studios!

Conductor's Bio:

Jedidiah Siah is Co-founder and Director of AlterCulture Studios Pte. Ltd, which does game design consultation, education, and promoting the usage of games across non-gaming industries. He is also an Associate Trainer at Civil Service College (Singapore) for Game Design. He has been researching and experimenting with the usage of games that explores social dynamics and cultures. He holds a B.A. in Game Design from DigiPen (Singapore Institute of Technology).

* All participants must be fully vaccinated and masked at all times. Prevailing Safe Management Measures apply.


IMDA PIXEL, 10 Central Exchange Green, Level 1, Singapore 138649

Date and Time

13 Oct 2021

2 PM - 5 PM

Hosted by

Singapore Games Association